Object Reference

Any objects placed in the world is known as a reference. This is because it references an object in the object database (object window). So an object is an ID in the database, and a reference is a copy of that object. If the object is changed, all it’s references are also changed. A reference can also have it’s own unique data:

Editing Reference Data

Some objects include reference data, which appears in the bottom half of the object properties window.   Editing this information will affect only the selected reference(s); other references of that object will not be changed.   There are five types of reference data:

Position:   the reference’s position and orientation in the world.

3D Scale:   The size of the object reference.   Objects can be scaled from 50% (0.5) to 200% (2.0) of their normal size.

Extra Data

Health / Uses: Used for objects such as weapons and armor that have health and objects such as lockpicks and probes which have uses. Used for creating damaged or used references.

Soul: Only used for the misc Soul-Gems. Select a creature to place in the soul-gem reference.

Apply to Selection: Applies the Extra Data settings to all references currently selected.   This is a quick way to assign ownership to all objects in a cell.


Owner: Set which NPC or Faction owns the selected object.

Global Variable/Rank: Select the global variable or rank (if the owner is a faction) that allows the PC to use this object without committing a crime.

Apply to All Selected: Applies the ownership data and variable to all the selected objects. Very good for shops or guilds where many objects need ownership.


Locks a container or doors.

Lock Level: The Difficulty rating on the lock for trying to pick it with a Lockpick. Should use values of 1 to 100. 1 is the easiest, while 100 is super-hard (the player would need a security skill of around 100).

Key: The item that can be used to open the container. Select from list of all Misc Items.

Trap: A trap that will go off when the container is opened. You can select from the list of available spells that have touch based effects.


Used only on doors, this sets the door to teleport the user to a new map or area.

Load Cell: Select the cell that the door will teleport you to.

Select Marker: Selects the marker in the new cell so it can be placed.

Note that any options not available for a particular reference will be grayed out.

2 items under this folder.

  • Ownership

    This data comes in one of two forms. Either Faction and Rank, or NPC and Flag. An object cannot have both.

    • Infinite Inventory Items

      Any container, NPC, or creature can have items in their possession that are marked as infinite.