Body parts are the base pieces used to create NPCs. This includes all the objects used for a race’s skin as well as armor and clothes.
ID: The object’s unique ID. (character limit: 32)
Part: The body part represented. Includes: Ankle, Chest, Clavicle, Foot, Forearm, Groin, Hair, Hand, Head, Knee, Neck, Tail, Upper Arm, Upper Leg, Wrist
Part Type: Whether the piece is part of an NPC (skin), for clothing or for armor.
Female: If checked, the body part is for female. If unchecked, male.
Playable: Used for heads and hairs. If checked, the player can choose this head/hair during character generation.
Add Art File: Art used for object.
Skin Info: If Party Type is Skin, select the Race and the skin type, Normal or Vampire.
Blocked: If checked, the specific object becomes read-only.
Note: For all skin body parts but the Head and Hair, only one type can be defined per race and sex.