Certain inventory activities can be checked through scripts using local variables. These local variables are automatically set when the pc does the action. They are NOT functions, but variables that are true or false.

OnPCEquip         The PC has the object equipped (remains true while object is equipped)
OnPCAdd         The PC added the object to inventory
OnPCDrop         The PC dropped the object
OnPCRepair         The PC repairs the object
OnPCSoulGemUse     the Object is a soulgem and it has been used in either recharging or itemmaking
PCSkipEquip         Set this to 1 to skip equipping object. Good for popping up messages for breaking seals on books and such.

Example script in a sword that gives a message when equipped

Begin MyScript
Short OnPCEquip
If ( OnPCEquip == 1)
	MessageBox “ You hear the sword in your mind: ‘Feed me the souls of the living’ ”
	Set OnPCEquip to 0
End MyScript