The Regions window allows the user to set and edit different regions, which are areas of the exterior world with unique weather and ambient sounds.

Weather Chances

This section contains the percent chances that the different weather types will occur in the region.   Any weather types set to 0 will never occur.

Sleep Creature

Whenever you rest in an exterior cell there is a percent chance that your rest will be interrupted by a creature.   The Leveled Creature selected in this field is what will be used to calculate what creature awakes you.

Region Map Color

Different colors can be assigned for the Region Map, which can be accessed by clicking on the “Region Paint” button.   This brings up a new window showing the exterior world. Highlighting a region in the list on the right brings up the region’s information below; clicking on exterior cells on the map to the left then includes those cells in that region. The cells’ color on the map will change to match the region color.

Ambient Sounds

The Sound files are listed in the table on the right side of the window, and can be filtered by three fields:

Chance: This is the percent chance the sound will play.

Priority: If two sounds are called at once, the sound with the higher priority will play.

Sound ID: the ID of the sound file.