Definition of races, benefits and leveling advantages. Redguard, Nord, Imperial, Breton, High Elf, Dark Elf, and Wood Elf. The creator is free to define their own races as well. If a new race is added, the creator must also attach base body parts for that race. The creator can also make non-playable races for advanced creatures such as skeletons and goblins.

Race: Select the race to edit.

New: Start a new race.

Name: The name of the race as it appears to the player. (character limit: 32)

Skill Bonus: Pull down list of 6 skills the creator can modify for the race. You can add or subtract values to skills. The sum is listed below the skills. For balance, each race’s skill bonus should equal 45.

Base Attributes: The starting level for race’s attributes, male and female. For balance, should equal 320.

Specials: Spells can be dragged and dropped into here to add spells, abilities, and powers to all members of this race.

Description: The written description of the Race. Appears in character creation and in the Stats window of the game.

Height: Multiplier on the rendered height of the race in the game (y matrix multiplier).

Weight: Multiplier on the rendered width of the race in the game (x,z matrix multiplier).

Playable: If checked, this race can be used by the player for their character.

Beast Race: This race will use the beast animations (includes double jointed legs and tail). Such as Khajiits and Argonians.