A leveled creature is a marker that chooses a creature to represent it in the world based on the level of the PC. When the cell is loaded, the creature will check the PC’s level and load the creature in its list that is closest to the PC’s level without going over. The user will fill in the level here for when that creature appears. If multiple creatures are listed for the same level, one is chosen at random. If no creatures meet the PC’s level, no creature is displayed.

ID: The object’s unique ID. (character limit: 32)

Calculate from all levels PC’s level: Will return creatures listed as equal to or below player’s level (level numbers are set in left column). If this is unchecked, only creature listed as equal to the PC’s level can be returned.

Chance None: Percent chance that no creature will appear.

Blocked: If checked, the specific object becomes read-only.

PC Level: level creature will appear at (defaults to 1; if multiple levels are listed, any new items added to list will have highest level)

Creature Name: Creature ID (or Leveled Creature ID, since those can be called by other lists)