ID: The object’s unique ID. (character limit: 32)

Full Name: The name of the spell. This is what appears in the game to player. (character limit: 32)

Effects: The magic effects assigned to this spell.

Cost: Number of magicka points required to cast spell.

Range: How far away the spell is effective.

Area: The area the spell is in effect.

Duration: How long the spell remains in effect.

Magnitude (min/max): The strength of the spell.

Type: Spell types include: Abilities, Blight Disease, Disease, Curse, and Powers.

Auto Calculate Cost: Automatically calculates the cost and value of the spell. Any spell that is auto-calculated may also be used by auto-calculated NPCs.

PC Start Spell: If checked, this spell can be given to player at start of the game.

Always Succeeds: If checked, the spell will never fail when cast.

Blocked: If checked, the specific object becomes read-only.