Wander is the most popular form of AI, causing an actor to move around at random. Actors will intelligently choose points to walk to based in the path grid of the cell they are in.

Idle Chances

This is the percentage chance the actor will stand still and perform the particular idle. Each idle is checked, and the one that passes with the highest roll is played. If no Idle passes the random roll, the Actor will move (walk).

    The Idles are:
        Idle2:   Looking around
        Idle3:   Looking behind
        Idle4:   Scratching head
        Idle5:   Shifting clothing or armor on shoulder
        Idle6:   Rubbing hands together and showing wares
        Idle7:   Looking at fingers and looking around furtively
        Idle8:   Deep thought
        Idle9:   Reaching for weapon