Magic in Morrowind is made of up magic effects. Magic effects are the basic building blocks of all the magic in the game. This includes spellmaking, alchemy, and enchanting. The settings for each magic effect are:

Scale Speed: Speed multiplier for how fast the effect travels.

Scale Size: Set how much the visual effect should scale based on its magnitude.

Size Cap: The largest multiplier the effect can be scaled by.

School: The school skill used for casting this effect.

Base Cost: The effect cost used in all magic formulas.

Particle Texture: The particle texture that you see in the game.

Effect Icon: The magic menu icon for the magic effect.

Description: Describes how to use the magic effect and how it works.

Creation Modes: Flag Spellmaking and/or Enchanting to make the magic effect available for making spells or enchanting items.

Casting Effects: Select Sound and Visual files for effects when casting.

Bolt Effects: Select Sound and Visual files for bolt effects.

Hit Effects: Select Sound and Visual files for hit effects.

Area Effects: Select Sound and Visual files for area effects.

        Speed - Speed multiplier for how fast the effect travels.
        Size - Set how much the visual effect should scale based on its magnitude.
        Size Cap - The largest multiplier the effect can be scaled by.

Lighting Effect:
        RGB values: Choose the color the magic effect adds to the world.

        Fire: Use this flag if the 3D object used for the light has particles attached to it. This tells the game to stop the particles when the fire time is used up.

        Flicker: Makes the magic effect’s lighting “flicker”, or randomly change its brightness.

        Negative: If checked, this makes the lighting “dark”. The color you selected for the light will be removed from the world, not added. So a white negative light will act like a black light.

        Dynamic: If checked, this tells the lighting to light up any dynamic or moving objects (such as characters and creatures). Dynamic lights slow the game down a little more.