The landscape is also textured in the editor. Most landscape textures are 256x256 and cover 8 tiles by 8 tiles or 512 x 512 units (one landscape tile is 128 units).

To edit the landscape textures, select the Toolbar Icon for Landscape Editing, or press H. To disable Landscape Texturing press H again.

When texturing you select a texture to paint with and fill in the areas you want. Textures can only be placed following the grid above, so textures are automatically placed every 8 tiles.

To paint the currently selected texture on the landscape, right click on the landscape tile you wish to change. You can also hold the right mouse button to paint a larger area. Note: You only paint one tile at a time, regardless of the edit radius.

When painting a texture, the eight textures that are connected to the tile being painted will change automatically, so that the textures blend into one another. This allows you to paint with grass and the Construction Set will dynamically blend the textures around it so that grass blends into the sand smoothly.

You can add textures to the library of landscape textures the Construction Set uses.   To do this select the texture window and hit the insert button on the keyboard.   A texture may then be chosen and given an ID.

The Vertex Color menu enables you to paint color onto the landscape in addition to the textures.   Press O to enable vertex coloring.   By left clicking you will paint the landscape with the left selected color.   The right mouse button will paint the right selected color.   Note: the default right selected color is white and can be used to erase vertex coloring.   The edit radius may be set to change the amount of vertices that are being colored.   Custom color values may be stored by clicking on the select color button, selecting one of the 16 slots, and then hitting add to custom colors.

See Also

Landscape Shaping