An actors fight setting determines how prone the actor is to attacking the PC. When an actor’s fight setting hits 100, they will attack the PC.

Player actions will increase (or decrease) an actor’s fight setting. These are:

PC ActionDefault ValueGame Setting Formula
PC Distance20 - (Char Distance * 0.005)iFightDistanceBase - (Char Distance * fFightD
Attack Actor100iFightAttack
Disposition( 50 - Disposition )*1(50 - Disposition) * fFightDispMult
Stealing5 * Item ValuefAlarmSt * Item Value
Pick Pocketing25iAlarmPickPocket
TauntingFrom Persuasion Formula
IntimidationFrom Persuasion Formula
BriberyFrom Persuasion Formula

The following table gives you the following general behavior:


100Always Attacks
95Will Attack as PC gets close (3000 units)
90Will Attack as PC gets close (2000 units)
80Will Attack as PC gets close or if he dislikes you (1000 units, 40 Disp)
70Will Attack if close and strong dislike (1000 units, 35 disp)
60Will Attack if he dislikes you and you get close (Disp below 30)
50Will Attack if he hates you (Disp at 0)
40Will attack if he dislikes you, and you get close. (500 Units, Disp 10)
30Will Attack if hates you and you commit crime.
20Will Attack if dislikes you and multiple crimes.
10Will attack if he hates you and you do multiple crimes on him.
0Will ONLY attack if attacked first.