Several selections are provided for quick testing of a plug-in without needing to actually load the game.   The editor will perform a scan of all world content, and return a list of possible problem areas in the following categories:

Model Test: Runs through all objects in the file to verify that all have valid 3D.

Dialogue Conflicts: Returns a list of dialogue topics that share an ID with something else in the world, which could cause problems with the replaceID function in scripts.

Non-teleporting Doors: Returns a list of all exterior doors that are not linked to anything.

Non-teleporting Interiors: Returns a list of all interior cells that are not linked to either another interior or the exterior world.

Test All Land: Returns a list of exterior cells that have border seam problems.

Test/Fix All Path Grids: Runs through all path grids, removing points underwater and points without any connections.   Also moves underground points to ground-level.

Test All Cells: Runs through all the cells in the world, moving the camera and re-drawing to check for animation errors.

Test All Interiors Cells: This performs the same function as Test All Cells, but only on interiors.