If you want to know the race of the PC check the global flag PCRace.
if ( Player→GetRace “Argonian” == 1)
set PCRace to 1
elseif ( Player→GetRace “Breton” == 1)
set PCRace to 2
elseif ( Player→GetRace “Dark Elf” == 1)
set PCRace to 3
elseif ( Player→GetRace “High Elf” == 1)
set PCRace to 4
elseif ( Player→GetRace “Imperial” == 1)
set PCRace to 5
elseif ( Player→GetRace “Khajiit” == 1)
set PCRace to 6
elseif ( Player→GetRace “Nord” == 1)
set PCRace to 7
elseif ( Player→GetRace “Orc” == 1)
set PCRace to 8
elseif ( Player→GetRace “Redguard” == 1)
set PCRace to 9
elseif ( Player→GetRace “Wood Elf” == 1)
set PCRace to 10