Containers are unmovable objects in the world that hold or contain other objects. This includes chests, crates, dressers, bags, and even bushes. Objects can be placed in and removed from containers. Bushes and such are referred to as organic containers. These containers have contents such as berries and leaves. They cannot have objects put into them in the game, only removed.

ID: The object’s unique ID. (character limit: 24)

Name: The object’s name. This is what appears in the game to player. (character limit: 32)

Script: Opens script based window for specific flag setting either before or after the container is opened.

Organic Container: If checked, container is flagged as organic and cannot have objects placed into them, only removed.

Respawns: If checked, objects inside container re-appear after period of time. (4 months)

Weight: Containers cannot be moved, so this number represents the total weight the container can hold.

References Persist: If checked, the object will remain persistent in world.

Animation: Animation used for object.

Add Art File: Art used for object.

Inventory List: A list of any object the container holds. Items of a negative value are infinite.
    Count: Number of that item in container.
    Object ID: The object’s unique ID
    Type: Type of object

Blocked: If checked, the specific object becomes read-only.