ID: The object’s unique ID.  (character limit: 32)

Name: The object’s name. This is what appears in the game to player. (character limit: 32)

Type: The type of clothing. Also used as the base name.

Script: The script assigned to object.

Weight: The weight of armor (in pounds).

Value: The object’s value in gold.

Add Art File: Art used for object.

Inventory Image: Art used for icon representation of object.

Enchantment: The number of enchantment points the item has. Used for enchanting.

Enchanting: The enchantment attached to the object.

Biped Object: The body part for clothing piece. See Body Part.

Male Armor/Female Clothing: The corresponding body part ID created for clothing piece.

References Persist: If checked, the object will remain persistent in world.

Blocked: If checked, the specific object becomes read-only.

See Also

Character Body Layout