Original Contents List

The original .hlp file’s contents list as parsed from TES Construction Set.cnt:

Getting Started

  • 2 What is the Construction Set?=Editor Overview
  • 2 System Requirements=System Requirements
  • 2 Preferences=Preferences
  • 2 Tutorials
    • 3 Dungeon Tutorial=Quick Dungeon Tutorial
    • 3 Landscape Tutorial=Landscape Tutorial

Data Files

  • 2 Overview=Data Files
  • 2 Example=Data Files Example
  • 2 Data Files Window=Data Files Window

Building and Editing

  • 2 World
    • 3 Overview=Cell Overview
    • 3 Naming Cells=Naming Cells
    • 3 Exterior Cell=Exterior Cell
    • 3 Interior Cell=Interior Cell
    • 3 Regions=Regions
    • 3 World Testing=World Testing
  • 2 Main Editing Windows
    • 3 The Object Window=Object Window
    • 3 The Render Window=Render Window
    • 3 The Cell View Window=Cell Window
  • 2 Landscape
    • 3 Overview=Landscape Overview
    • 3 Shaping=Landscape Shaping
    • 3 Texturing=Landscape Texturing


  • 2 Overview=Object Overview
  • 2 Object Types
    • 3 Activator=Activator
    • 3 Alchemy=Alchemy
    • 3 Apparatus=Appratus
    • 3 Armor=Armor
    • 3 Body Part=Body Part
    • 3 Book=Book
    • 3 Clothing=Clothing
    • 3 Container=Container
    • 3 Creature=Creature
    • 3 Door=Door
    • 3 Ingredient=Ingredient
    • 3 Leveled Creature=Leveled Creature
    • 3 Leveled Item=Leveled Item
    • 3 Light=Light
    • 3 Lockpick=Lockpick
    • 3 Misc Item=Misc Item
    • 3 NPC=Character
    • 3 Probe=Probe
    • 3 Repair Item=Repair Item
    • 3 Spellmaking=Spellmaking
    • 3 Static=Static
    • 3 Weapon=Weapon
  • 2 Reference Data
    • 3 Overview=Object Reference
    • 3 Ownership=Ownership
    • 3 Infinite Inventory Items=Infinite Inventory Items


  • 2 Overview=Character Overview
  • 2 Character
    • 3 Race=Race
    • 3 Skills=Skills
    • 3 Class=Class
    • 3 Factions=Factions
    • 3 Birthsigns=Birthsigns
    • 3 NPC=Character
    • 3 Infinite Inventory Items=Infinite Inventory Items
  • 2 Creature
    • 3 Creature Window=Creature
    • 3 Leveled Creature=Leveled Creature
  • 2 Dialogue
    • 3 Overview=Dialogue Overview
    • 3 Dialogue Variables=Dialogue Variables
    • 3 Dialogue Functions=Dialogue Functions
    • 3 Text Defines=Text Defines
  • 2 AI
    • 3 Overview=AI
    • 3 Settings
      • 4 Alarm=Alarm
      • 4 Fight=Fight
      • 4 Flee=Flee
      • 4 Hello=Hello
    • 3 Packages
      • 4 Wander=Wander
      • 4 Travel=Travel
      • 4 Escort=Escort
      • 4 Follow=Follow
      • 4 Activate=ActivateAI


  • 2 Magic=Magic
  • 2 Scripting
    • 3 Overview=Scripting Overview
    • 3 Commands=ScriptCommands
    • 3 Functions=ScriptFunctions
    • 3 Sample Script=Sample Script

Uncategorized Notes

A number of original notes could be found in the index, but had not had a category assigned to them in the .hlp file’s contents, meaning they were not placed in a subfolder automatically.

Although this site is not intended as a revision of the original TES3CS Help Docs, it was deemed appropriate to assign folders to these orphan notes. This serves to improve navigation on the site for users, and make the website structure more logical for site-crawlers to parse for SEO purposes. Furthermore, backlinks have also been inserted for those notes which otherwise lacked any.

See the list of changes below:

Notes listed under multiple folders: