Script Commands

begin     ScriptName
end         ScriptName

; comment

short     varNameShort
long     varNameLong
float     varNameFloat

set varName to 5
get varName

while ( varName 3 )

if ( varName > 100 )
elseif ( varName < 20 )

if ( varName == x )
if ( varName != x )
if ( varName >= x )
if ( varName x )

set objectID.varName to 100
objectID rotate, z, 45

See Also

Using Variables in Functions

3 items under this folder.

  • End

    The end command is placed at the end of a script.

    • Declaring Variables

      You can declare three types of variables through scripts and as global variables.

      • Begin

        The begin command must be the first command in the script.