You’ve probably noticed that all objects have a field in them for a script. Scripts are small pieces of code that can be placed inside of objects that allows them to perform special actions.

Examples of scripts usage include making an object move (such as a door opening), an object that gives off sounds (such as a buzzing light), or making an object hurt the player when it is equipped.

The script called main starts itself in the beginning of the game. This is used to start and stop other global scripts.

See Also

Script Commands
Script Functions
Sample Script
Global Scripts
Start Scripts

9 items under this folder.

  • Using Variables in Functions

    Only certain functions can take variables as their arguments.

    • Start Scripts

      This is the list of global scripts, along with “Main” that will automatically be run when a game is started or loaded.

      • Sample Script

        An example of a Morrowind script showing the use of comments, variables and commands.

        • Object Referencing

          Other object Ids can be used in scripting to set and get the values of local variables from other objects in the world. You can also run functions on these object references.

          • Magic Effects List

            When using script commands with magic effects, the following values should be used.

            • Inventory Scripts

              Certain inventory activities can be checked through scripts using local variables.

              • Global Scripts

                Global scripts are scripts that run always, and are not connected with any particular object.

                • Functions

                  An overview of all script functions in The Elder Scrolls Construction Set

                  • Commands

                    An overview of script commands used in The Elder Scrolls Construction Set