An overview of the properties of Characters in The Elder Scrolls Construction Set.

8 items under this folder.

  • Skills

    Costing data for all the skills. Use Values, governing attributes, etc.

    • Race

      Definition of races, benefits and leveling advantages.

      • NPC

        An overview of the data of the NPC object type.

        • Infinite Inventory Items

          Any container, NPC, or creature can have items in their possession that are marked as infinite.

          • Factions

            Opens the faction window, where factions and their properties can be defined.

            • Class

              Definition of classes, their advantages, major skills, etc.

              • Birthsign

                An overview of the data of Birthsigns in The Elder Scrolls Construction Set

                • Auto Calculate Stats

                  Creates stats and spells automatically for the NPC based on their Race, Class, and Level.